Easy, No-Knead Recipe

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Dishdesignery!

We're delighted you're here and would like to walk you through the ground rules for using our site, which can be found at https://dishdesignery.com/.

By utilising our location, you are indicating your agreement with the following rules and regulations. If you have any reservations or concerns, we respect your decision and suggest refraining from using our platform.

Presently, let's get into the nitty-gritty points of interest. When we say "Client," "You," and "Your," we're alluding to—you speculated it right—you! 

Meanwhile, "The Company," "Ourselves," "We," "Our," and "Us" denote our wonderful enterprise. The terms "Party," "Parties," or "Us" include both our Company and, again, you.

In these terms, we're covering everything to ensure a seamless transaction or any type of service exchange conducted in a fitting way through our platform. It also implies that all the activities here are subject to the laws of the Netherlands.

What's the Deal with Cookies?

Just to be clear, we do use cookies here at Dishdesignery. By accessing our website, you are consenting to the use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Cookies have the advantageous capability of retaining user information and preferences across multiple visits. They assist in improving specific aspects of our website and enhancing user experience. Please also note that some of our advertising partners might also use cookies, but who doesn't these days?

Copyright Notice

All the brilliant and creative content you see here? That's all ours (or our licensor's)! In legal terms, we own the intellectual property rights for every piece of content on Dishdesignery, and we've reserved all these rights.

That said, you can absolutely browse our content for personal use, but do heed these restrictions:

  • You can't repost our content anywhere else.

  • You can't rent, sell, or grant sublicenses of our material.

  • Copying our content? That's a no-go.

  • Redistribution of our content is also not permitted.

Please keep in mind that these rules start applying from the day you start using our website.

Commenting Policy

While you're here, we allow you to share your thoughts, reviews, and feedback. Although we don't have an automated filter for comments, we appreciate polite discourse. All conclusions are solely those of the commenter and don't speak to us in any way.

Keep in mind, do not cross the line – do not attack mental property rights or post hostile substances. Any comments that break these rules might be taken down. If you post any comment, you're giving us a license to use, tweak, and authorize others to use and tweak your comments in any form we need to.

Linking to Us

We’re always happy to be linked. If you're a governmental body, search engine, news agency, or online directory, feel free to give us a shout-out on your site without needing to ask us.

Apart from these, if you're any other recognized body – like a trade association or a consulting firm – just hit us up and we'll consider your request! We want to make sure that the link falls within the ethos of your organization and not in a deceptive manner in any way.

iFrames and Content Liability

Please don’t change the look and feel of our site by creating frames around our webpages without our written consent.

We're not mindful for your website's substance. It would be ideal if you maintain a strategic distance from connecting to defamatory, hostile, or destructive data on your site to maintain a strategic distance from encroachment claims. Let's play safe and fair!

Your Privacy

We treasure your privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy for more insights.

Rights Reservation

Just a heads-up that we reserve lr have the the right to ask you to remove any links to our site for any reason. Moreover, we may upgrade these terms and conditions from time to time. By connecting to us, you concur to stand by these terms..

Removal of links from our website

Stumbled upon any offensive link on our site? Feel free to flag it down and let us know. We can't promise instant removal, but we'll give it a good thought.

The Important Disclaimer

it's imperative to note that we can't ensure the total exactness, unwavering quality, or completeness of everything you see on our location. Whereas we endeavour to keep the location upgraded, things can alter quickly.

In conclusion, your use of our site is at your own risk, and we won't be liable for any losses or damages your usage might cause — albeit we strive to make your experience here as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Welcome to Dishdesignery!